Monday, October 25, 2010

The Art of the Interview -- Oct. 26 -28

This week we'll focus on the art of interviewing. A powerpoint lecture will advance your understanding of the basics, and we'll watch and listen to some of today's greatest interviewers at work.

We'll watch Larry King tangle with Jon Stewart, and compare King's style with NPR's Terry Gross' technique on her show "Fresh Air." We'll watch Barbara Walters as she re-visits Fidel Castro 25 years after their first interview. More!

On Thursday, we'll trace everything back to the master -- Studs Terkel. Over the weekend, you'll practice Terkel's interviewing technique with a subject of your choice.

Terkel Assignment details:

* Choose a subject whose job interests you. Preferably talk to a stranger.
* Record your conversation.
* Transcribe your conversation using Terkel's technique (as covered in class; use the handout as an example)
* E-mail your transcription -- complete with a "bingo" moment -- to me by 5 p.m. next Wednesday. E-mail your piece as a Word attachment. Put your name on your e-mail and on your piece. Send to:
* We'll use selected transcriptions for workshop in class on Thursday

Keep your edited transcription short -- 500 words. Use good grammar and AP Style. Be sure to meet the deadline.

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